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Minggu, 31 Oktober 2010

Inspirasi Islam, Kisah Tukang Bakso

Cerita perjalanan spiritual ini sangat sederhana dan jadi inspirasi.Di suatu senja sepulang kantor, saya masih berkesempatan untuk ngurus tanaman di depan rumah, sambil memperhatikan beberapa anak asuh yang sedang belajar menggambar peta, juga mewarnai.. Hujan rintik-rintik selalu menyertai di setiap sore di musim hujan ini. Di kala tangan sedikit berlumuran tanah kotor….. terdengar suara tek…tekk.. .tek…suara tukang bakso dorong lewat. Sambil menyeka keringat…, ku hentikan tukang bakso itu dan memesan beberapa mangkok bakso setelah menanyakan anak-anak, siapa yang mau bakso?

Website : inspirasi islam , bisnis

Kontak : Noval Y. Ramsis

Jual Alarm LPG dan DIVX DVD Anime, TV Series, Dorama dan Comic Scan

Sedia Alarm GAS ELPIJI, DVD Parenting (Dunstan Baby, Hapiest Baby, Pocoyo, CD Mozart dll), dan DVD DiVX Anime, TV Series (Lost, Heroes, CSI, Ghost Whisperer), dan juga Dorama.. Juga sedia comic scan yang bisa dibaca di komputer anda.. List lengkap langsung ke aja atau bisa langsung download list lengkapnya di thanks.

Website : cdkomik, alarm lpg, elpiji, anime, divx murah, tv series, film, kartun, serial tv, barat, jepang

Kontak : cdkomik

Jual Perlengkapan Bayi + Produk Pelangsing dan Furniture Anak

Jual berbagai pakaian bayi dan anak (toddler) dari berbagai brands (Carter, Oshkosh, Circo, Mothercare dll. Juga perlengkapan bayi, anak dan para bunda. Juga tersedia alarm LPG, produk pelangsing dll. Untuk gambar dan detailnya bisa langsung ke

Website : momandi, mom and i, murah, botol bayi, bpa free, calorie off, slimming, kids keeper, walking assistant

Kontak : Mom And I


JOIN GRATIS, setiap minggu menerima US$ 20 ,tapi HARUS ANDA DEPOSITKAN,agar free member Anda jd MEMBER AKTIF.Kalo belum mempunyai LIBERTY RESERVE,silahkan join (gratis) di : agus

Website :



JOIN GRATIS ,setiap minggu akan menerima minimal 20 US$,tapi HARUS ANDA DEPOSITKAN DULU agar free member jd AKTIF MEMBER. Kalo belum mempunyai LR,silahkan join (GRATIS) di : salam,(

Website :



Rekan netter yang terhormat, banyak bisnis di internet yang menjanjikan hasil instan jutaan bahkan milyaran rupiah. Hati-hati jangan terjebak dengan MONEY GAME, cari bisnis yang ada produk yang setara dengan modal yang anda setor, kalau perlu lebih mahal dari modal anda. Solusi SEHAT sekaligus KAYA, kunjungi webside kami.



Blog Gratisan

Blog yang memberikan informasi tentang e-books, script dan software yang bisa di dapat secara gratis dari Internet. Bahkan tips dan tutorial untuk mendapatkan uang gratisan dari bisnis online juga ada sini.

Website : info gratis

Kontak :

Sabtu, 30 Oktober 2010

Dalam Affiliate Marketing Haruskah Bisa Coding?

Affiliate Marketing – Dunia bisnis online yang sangat berat persainganya, meskipun kata master-master affiliate marketing adalah cara paling mudah dalam memulai bisnis online. Memang banyak di akui juga bisnis affiliate marketing sangat mudah sekali (katanya) namun sangat sulit untuk di terapkan, masing-masing affiliater marketer mempunyai strategi jitu untuk mendapatkan sale yang masing-masing satu dengan yang lainya saling berkompetisi bagi yang lambat , bonus kecil , kelamaan mikir, tidak ada inovasi akan membuat seorang affiliate marketer kalah dengan sesamanya. Judul artikel diatas mungkin masih menyimpan pertanyaan bagi yang belum paham apa itu coding. Coding adalah menerjemahkan persyaratan logika dari pseudocode atau diagram alur ke dalam suatu bahasa pemograman baik huruf, angka, dan simbol yang membentuk program. Wah makin puyeng artinya ya? Simplenya coding itu adalah pembuatan code program, dalam hal ini affiliate marketing yang memakai website sebagai sarananya harus memahami bahasa pemrograman untuk web agar bisa membuat website. Selengkapnya

Website : Affiliate Marketing

Kontak :

dbs info

Saatnya...Rekrut member DBS Anda secara online via internet,..Rekrut tanpa batasan tempat dan waktu..Dapatkan member dari seluruh penjuru dunia tanpa keharusan bertemu langsung dengan mereka...cukup bergabung bersama kami...maka sistem kami yang akan mencarikan anggota buat anda secara otomatis...24 jam nonstop,7 hari seminggu...sekalipun disaat anda sedang tidur....Jadi...Tunggu apalagi...Segera kunjungi Websitenya....Kami tunggu Anda di puncak kesuksesan...

Website : bisnis online

Kontak : yunus

Pasang Indovision Hub:(021) 5420 0607

Indovision - Bukan Yang Lain Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! " PAKET INDOVISION " *. Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *. Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *. Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : Indovision

Kontak : Indovision

Pasang YesTV Hub:(021) 5420 0607

YesTV - Hiburan Tanpa Batas Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! Paket berlangganan bervariatif dengan 5 paket dasar : 1. Paket Perunggu Rp. 125.000 / bulan* 2. Paket Perak Rp. 199.000 / bulan* 3. Paket Emas Rp. 275.000 / bulan* 4. Paket Sports Rp. 90.000 / bulan* 5. Paket Entertainment Rp. 90.000 / bulan* *. harga belum termasuk PPN 10% Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : Yes TV

Kontak : Yes TV

Pasang AORA TV Hub:(021) 5420 0607

PAKET AORA TV Rp. 75.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : Aora

Kontak : Aora

Pasang Indovision Hub:(021) 5420 0607

Indovision - Bukan Yang Lain Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! " PAKET INDOVISION " *. Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *. Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *. Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : Indovision

Kontak : Indovision


Anda punya usaha?? silahkan pasang iklan anda disini!!!!G R A T I S....SUMPAH G R A T I S......tersebar di 365 blok iklan baris,bukak web ini...

Website :

Kontak : heri


Anda Bingung? BBM melambung, sementara nasib masih luntang-lantung? Jangan Bingung, ada peluang Bisnis untuk Anda! Tak perlu modal muluk-muluk, cukup modal awal Rp. 45.000,- (bukan arisan berantai, apalagi money game). SUDAH TERBUKTI : MEMBUAT SUKSES RIBUAN ORANG !!!!!! MOTTO: AKU BENCI KEMISKINAN Klik saja....

Website :

Kontak : heri


kunjungi website kami untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang Cara Memiliki Asset Untuk Mendapatkan Penghasilan Rutin minimal Rp. 10 Juta perbulan! Modal untuk memiliki Asset ini sangat murah dan tanpa resiko! Real Bussines! Real Money! Ada Bukti nyata!

Website :

Kontak : heri


Miliki Aset sendiri untuk mendapatkan penghasilan rutin lebih dari 10 Juta/bulan dengan modal kecil-tanpa resiko. Hanya Rp. 10.000,- saja ! Kami tunggu kunjungan Anda dengan tangan terbuka,Terima kasih atas kesediaan Anda mengunjungi website ini. Salam hangat dan Jabat Erat!

Website :

Kontak : heri


Apakah Anda memerlukan dana segar hingga TOTAL Rp. 100 Juta dalam waktu 6 bulan mendatang? Terserah Anda mau digunakan untuk apa saja, bayar hutang, bayar cicilan rumah, beli sepeda motor baru, bertamasya ke luar negeri, menyekolahkan anak ke sekolahan yang bermutu, biaya ongkos naik haji atau sekedar untuk Anda tabung. Nah!Lebih jelasnya klik di web..

Website :

Kontak : heri


Kami menawarkan peluang usaha mandiri yang dapat menghasilkan puluhan juta rupiah perbulan seumur hidup Anda, dapat diwariskan dan menjadi modal pensiun muda Anda.

Website :

Kontak : heri


Anda Ingin punya penghasilan rutin/bln tanpa jualan,tanpa cari downline dan tanpa kerja keras,kami solusinya...

Website :

Kontak : heri

TOKO BUNGA ONLINE DI SURABAYA toko bunga online di surabaya
Selamat Datang di EVA FLORIST Situs Toko Bunga yang Siap Melayani Segala Macam Pesanan Bunga untuk dikirim di dengan Pelayanan yang Professional dan Layanan Pesan Bunga 24 jam. BUNGA PAPAN LETER, RANGKAIAN BUNGA SEGAR, RANGKAIAN BUNGA DUKA CITA, RANGKAIAN ARTIFICIAL, STANDING BUNGA SEGAR, PARCEL, HANDBOUQET, CORSAGES, FORHAND, SALIP, TUTUP PETI. Hubungi Phone 081230526789 Untuk Mengirimkan Rangkaian Bunga Berbagai Keperluan

Website : toko bunga online di surabaya

Kontak : musnaim


Toko Bunga di Surabaya di luar Pasar Bunga Kayoon juga mengingkat dari tahun ke tahun, mungkin sekarang ada 25 lebih dengan lokasi yang berbeda- beda. Di era 2000 konsumen Toko Bunga di Surabaya pola pemesanan bunga sudah berubah dratis, Mungkin tahun sebelum 2000 untuk jalur Telekomunikasi agak susah ini pun jenis Telepon Rumah. Di Tahun tersebut sarana Telekomunikasi ini hanya sebagian kecil Masyarakat yang memiliki, namun utuk Instansi/ Perusahaan baik yang katagori Kecil, Menengah Atapun Atas sarana Telekomunikasi ini dimiliki, Singkatnya Pribadi yang akan Memesan Rangkaian Bunga di pastikan datang langsung ke showroom Toko Bunga di Surabaya. Untuk Instansi/ Perusahaan yang nota bene memiliki sarana tersebut cukup dengan menelepon untuk memesan Rangkaian Bunga, Apalagi di era sekarang pola untuk pesan bunga di pastikan sangat mudah, Cepat dan Menghemat waktu dan Biaya,Yaitu Pola Toko Online yang dapat digunakan ole semua Konsumen dari kota-kota di Wilayah Indonesia seperti Tulungagung, Trenggalek, Ponorogo, Magetan, Madiun, Ngawi, Jombang, Mojokerto, Sidoarjo, Blitar, Malang, Probolinggo, Lumajang, Jember, Banyuwangi, Sumenep dan Kota- Kota di dunia International dengan cara mengakses Sebuah Situs, Memang pola ini cukup membuat pelaku Toko Bunga di Surabaya mengeluarkan Investasi yang cukup besar, Pola ini sangat efisien untuk Konsumen, namun Konsumen pun harus jeli untuk memilih diantara pelaku Toko Bunga di Surabaya, mungkin yang harus di catat oleh konsumen bunga adalah Mutu dan Fasilitasnya di antaranya Pesan Bunga 24 Jam dan Yang Paling Bagus Fasilitas Kirim Bunga di Seluruh Wilayah Indonesia. Ini yang harus di cari Konsumen Bunga khususnya Toko Bunga di Surabaya.

Website : toko bunga surabaya

Kontak : musnaim


Selamat Bergabung dengan Situs Toko Bunga Surabaya EVA FLORIST Toko Bunga Produk dari Pelopor kirim bunga di seluruh Indonesia, Toko Bunga yang Mampu Melayani Segala Macam Pesanan Bunga untuk Pengiriman di Wilayah Indonesia. Kebutuhan Akan Rangkaian Bunga semakin Meningkat, Untuk memberikan rasa simpamti kepada teman ataupun mitra kerja Bahasa Bunga Sarana yang Paling paling tepat. Dengan Bahasa Bunga anda bisa mengungkapkan rasa suka cita, duka cita, dengan Momentum diantara Ulang tahun, berbahagia, Sukses, Simpati. Kami Menyediakan Produk Berkwalitas Bunga Papan, Bunga Segar, Bunga dan Buah, Aneka Macam Parcel, Standing Duka Cita, Standing Sukses, Forhand, Corsages,Tutup peti, Salip, Rangkaian Bunga Melati. Anda Ingin Mengirimkan Rangkaian Bunga Hubungi Kami Phone Online 24 Jam 085655399719 dan 081230526789

Website : / toko bunga surabaya

Kontak : musnaim


ikuti Kursus Privat Fotografi Dasar " Fotografi Dasar" privat/group. (khusus Jabodetabek) 3X pertemuan @ 2-3 jam. (minimal 1 ,maksimal 5 peserta) Tempat & Waktu : peserta yang menentukan.

Website : kursus foto, tips foto, studio foto,

Kontak : Noval Y. Ramsis

Bebas dari Tagihan Kartu Kredit

Pusing dengan tagihan Kartu Kredit anda? Was was selalu ditelponin colector setiap bulan? Berat bayar minimal payment tagihan kartu kredit? Temukan solusinya!!

Website : info, kartu kredit

Kontak : Bambang

Jumat, 29 Oktober 2010


Investasi adalah tindakan aktif mengarahkan sumber daya dengan tidak mengkonsumsinya sekarang untuk diambil manfaat atau keuntungannya di masa datang

Website : Inspirasi Islam

Kontak : Noval Y. Ramsis

Revolusi Pengiriman Iklan Baris

Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris. Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan baris, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke IklanGratisMassal

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


bisnis, internet, peluang, jasa, iklan, promosi
Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris. Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan baris, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke IklanGratisMassal

Website : bisnis, internet, peluang, jasa, iklan, promosi

Kontak : suryono


Kami hadir dengan menawarkan satu konsep investasi dengan sistem yang saling menguntungkan untuk semua member. Kami menjamin system pengembalian yang cepat dan tentu saja dengan nilai lebih (Investasi hanya Rp. 80.000) dapat menghasilkan secara terus-menerus..

Website : hibah

Kontak : suryono

NEW,JOIN GRATIS.Profit s/d 1,3 % per HARI

JOIN GRATIS.Profit harian s/d 1,3 % per hari.Investasi 10 ribu rp s/d 50 juta rp.Cermati SISTEM dan FAQ sebelum deposit. Salam, (

Website :


25 rb untuk peluang 12,2 MILYAR plus RUMAH,dll

Ckp 25 rb rp untuk peluang s/d 12,2 Milyar plus RUMAH,MOBIL,MOTOR,dll. Mempunyai 4 id,url kita dionlinekan di COVER WEB(klik MITRA BS2B) Salam, (

Website :



Cukup dg modal 65 rb rp,kita berpeluang menjadi MILYADER plus mendapatkan ratusan e-book dan software,soal-soal masuk universitas,soal-soal CPNS dan informasi lowongan pekerjaan CPNS,BUMN dan swasta yang selalu diupdate. Salam,(

Website :


TUJUH BONUS sekaligus

Cukup dg modal 260 rb rp,kita bisa mendapatkan 7 bonus (PASIF & aktif INCOME) Salam,(

Website :



Dg modal 135 rb rp,bisa dengan cepat menjadi jutaan rp plus reward LAPTOP,MODEM dan black berry. Salam,(

Website :



Modal 105 ribu rp,potensi s/d milyaran rp

Website :


GRATIS ,peluang s/d 483 juta rupiah

Anda berpeluang mendapatkan income s/d 483 juta rupiah TANPA MODAL SAMA SEKALI. Salam, (

Website :


GRATIS s/d member ke 500

Buruan join ,masih GRATIS

Website :



NEW,join GRATIS.Profit 1,3 % per hari.Investasi 10 ribu rp s/d 50 juta rp.Sebelum deposit,cermati FAQ dan SISTEM salam,(

Website :


Pasang AORA TV Hub: (021) 5420 0607

PAKET AORA TV Rp. 75.000,- Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : aora

Kontak : Aora TV

Pasang Indovision Hub: (021) 5420 0607

" PAKET INDOVISION " *.Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *.Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *.Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : indovision

Kontak : Indovision

Pasang Yes TV Hub: (021) 5420 0607

Paket YesTV dengan 5 paket dasar : 1. Paket Perunggu Rp. 125.000 / bulan* 2. Paket Perak Rp. 199.000 / bulan* 3. Paket Emas Rp. 275.000 / bulan* 4. Paket Sports Rp. 90.000 / bulan* 5. Paket Entertainment Rp. 90.000 / bulan* *. harga belum termasuk PPN 10% Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : yes tv

Kontak : Yes TV

Jasa Facebook Marketing Membuat Fanspage

Fasilitas facebook marketing selalu saya berikan GRATIS untuk klien web design yang memesan website dengan harga di atas 1 juta, dan kenapa facebook marketing begitu penting untuk bisnis anda, silahkan baca di sini Teman-teman, saya ingin menjual jasa facebook marketing ini secara terpisah, agar bila ingin bisnisnya di optimasi dengan facebook, teman-teman tidak perlu harus memesan website dulu. Fasilitas yang saya sediakan banyak sekali sehingga bisnis anda akan lebih optimal Design fanspage yang menarik. Share button untuk membagikan kontent website anda di wall facebook anda. Like button yang di pasang di website anda. Like box untuk menampilkan fanspage anda di website anda, sehingga orang yang datang ke website anda dan suka bisa me like fanspage anda, dan ini efeknya viral banget. Facebook comment, pengunjung yang datang ke website anda bisa berkomentar, lalu akan di posting ke wall profile mereka secara otomatis. RSS Graffiti yang bisa di koneksikan antara website dan fanspage anda. Facebook group untuk melengkapi bisnis anda. FBML untuk fanspage. 1 hari jadi. Full support layanan cepat. Bila teman-teman ada yang bingung dengan poin-poin di atas jangan malu untuk bertanya ya. Jasa ini saya tawarkan Rp.200.000,- untuk 20 customer saja. Sangat murah bukan? Namun bila teman-teman ingin membeli panduanya dan belajar sendiri harganya Rp.250.000,- di sini Setelah 20 customer di layanin harga akan naik menjadi Rp.350.000,- Bila berminat Kontak saya atau bisa sms di 085624156325 (im3) dan 087822234119 (XL) Saatnya bisnis anda berpromosi otomatis dengan facebook, sukses selalu

Website : Jasa Facebook Marketing

Kontak :

Pasang Yes TV Hub: (021) 5420 0607

Paket YesTV dengan 5 paket dasar : 1. Paket Perunggu Rp. 125.000 / bulan* 2. Paket Perak Rp. 199.000 / bulan* 3. Paket Emas Rp. 275.000 / bulan* 4. Paket Sports Rp. 90.000 / bulan* 5. Paket Entertainment Rp. 90.000 / bulan* *. harga belum termasuk PPN 10% Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : yes tv

Kontak : Yes TV

Pasang Indovision Hub: (021) 5420 0607

Indovision - Bukan Yang Lain Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! " PAKET INDOVISION " *. Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *. Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *. Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : indovision

Kontak : Indovision

Kamis, 28 Oktober 2010

Memburu dollar gratis

Untuk mendulang dollar $$$ Program ini benar-benar gratis, 1 cent dollar untuk setiap 1 email yang kita baca setiap harinya rata-rata 10 email dan bonus sign up $10 akan langsung masuk eccount anda serta bisa payout $50, silahkan joint gratis !!!

Website : mencari dollar, mendulang dolar, memburu dollar

Kontak : Maryanto


Cukup dg modal 105 ribu rupiah sekali bayar,kita bisa menerima transfer bonus setiap hari s/d MILYARAN rupiah.

Website :



Cukup dg modal 260 ribu rupiah,kita bisa mendapatka 7 bonus spektakuler sekaligus (AKTIF maupun PASIF INCOME)

Website :


Cara Cepat mendapatkan JUTAAN rp plus LAPTOP,dll

Cukup dengan 135 ribu rp,sistem memungkinkan kita cepat mendapatkan jutaan rupiah plus LAPTOP,MODEM,BLACKBERRY,dll

Website :


MILYADER plus RUMAH,MOBIL ,dll cukup dg 25 rinu rp

Cukup dg modal 25 ribu rp,kita berpeluang mendapatkan 12,2 Milyar Rupiah plus reward RUMAH,MOBIL,MOTOR,dll.Mempunyai 4 id,url pribadi kita dionlinekan di COVER WEB 9KLIK mitra BS2B)

Website :



Cukup dg modal 65 rp rp,kita berpeluang menjadi MILYADER plus ratusan e-book & software ,soal-soal masuk UNIVERSITAS dan CPNS serta informasi lowongan CPNS,BUMN dan Swasta yang selalu diupdate.

Website :


Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010


pengirim iklan ke RATUSAN website iklan baris hanya dengan sekali klik secara simultan berkemampuan tinggi anda tidak perlu mengunjungi situs iklan baris satu - persatu untuk memasang iklan. Anda hanya perlu mengisi data diri anda dan isi iklan anda pada software dan biarkan software Bekerja mengirimkan iklan anda ke ratusan situs iklan baris internet di Indonesia

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


pengirim iklan ke RATUSAN website iklan baris hanya dengan sekali klik secara simultan berkemampuan tinggi anda tidak perlu mengunjungi situs iklan baris satu - persatu untuk memasang iklan. Anda hanya perlu mengisi data diri anda dan isi iklan anda pada software dan biarkan software Bekerja mengirimkan iklan anda ke ratusan situs iklan baris internet di Indonesia

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


pengirim iklan ke RATUSAN website iklan baris hanya dengan sekali klik secara simultan berkemampuan tinggi anda tidak perlu mengunjungi situs iklan baris satu - persatu untuk memasang iklan. Anda hanya perlu mengisi data diri anda dan isi iklan anda pada software dan biarkan software Bekerja mengirimkan iklan anda ke ratusan situs iklan baris internet di Indonesia

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


ANDA mesti tahu bagaimana cara dahsyat menghasilkan UANG. Supaya ANDA bisa mendapatkan UANG dalam jumlah berapapun yang ANDA inginkan. Manfaatkan peluang ini sekarang,

Website : hibah,investasi,modal,beasiswa,pinjaman,uang,dana,gratis,hutang

Kontak : suryono



Website : bisnis, internet, paling, direkomendasikan, formula, langkah, memulai, dan, membangun, melalui, joko susilo

Kontak : suryono

Revolusi Pengiriman Iklan Baris

Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris. Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan baris, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke IklanGratisMassal

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


Modal 300 ribu rp.Profit PASTI minimal 20% per bulan,bonus titik @ 5 ribu,3x10 level,reward, dll.Cashback 50 rb rp (100% bns sponsor-lebih suka BCA,hanya s/d 25 Oktober 2010)

Website :


ReclaiMe Multimedia

ReclaiMe Multimedia is a very simple software to undelete files or to recover data from formatted or crashed hard drives or memory cards. The ReclaiMe Multimedia recovers photo (including most RAW formats), video, and sound files only.

Website : ReclaiMe Multimedia

Kontak : deni12

ReclaiMe Windows

ReclaiMe Windows. ReclaiMe Windows is a very simple software to undelete files or to recover data from formatted or crashed hard drives or memory cards. The ReclaiMe Windows edition recovers all files from FAT, exFAT, and NTFS filesystems.

Website : ReclaiMe Windows

Kontak : deni12

ReclaiMe Universal

ReclaiMe Universal. ReclaiMe Universal is a very simple software to undelete files or to recover data from formatted or crashed hard drives or memory cards. The ReclaiMe Universal edition recovers all files from Windows FAT, exFAT, NTFS, and Apple Mac OS HFS, HFS+, and UFS filesystems.

Website : ReclaiMe Universal

Kontak : deni12

BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger

BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger, BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger helps you to find out what they are doing on their PC. With this key logger you will receive their keytrokes, chats, websites, screenshots and passwords by email. Remote surveillance - as easy as never before!

Website : BlazingTools Perfect Keylogger

Kontak : deni12

Smart Type Assistant

Smart Type Assistant. Smart Type Assistant System-wide typing automation tool. Includes abbreviation expanding, mistype correction, pasting the long text fragments with one click, Clipboard History, fast screen capturing and emailing, many useful hotkeys, keyboard scoring and more!

Website : Smart Type Assistant

Kontak : deni12

Instant Source

Instant Source. Instant Source opens the additional toolbar at the bottom of IE window. It shows HTML of the current page, selection, or an item under the cursor. Also shows and lets you to save all external files on a page - Flash movies, style sheets (*.CSS), scripts (*.JS and *.VBS) and images. It has a built-in HTML viewer and editor with handy HTML, Javasript and VBScript syntax highlighting. Validates website HTML. All features are working inside IE.

Website : Instant Source

Kontak : deni12

Keylogger Detector

Keylogger Detector. Keylogger Detector can provide every computer with strong protection against most types of unauthorized activity monitoring software, both known and unknown. It effectively finds and removes keyloggers, trojans and other spy software. Keylogger Detector doesn't use a signature-based detection, but it detects a suspicious software behaviour. You must remember - antivirus software cannot detect the newest or private released keyloggers!

Website : Keylogger Detector

Kontak : deni12

Perfect Keylogger for Mac OS X

Perfect Keylogger for Mac OS X. Perfect Keylogger for Mac OS X All we know, that Macs become more and more popular, so we have created Perfect Keylogger for Mac OS X! It offers you the complete set of stealth monitoring features. The current version supports stealth keystroke and website recording, screenshot recording and email/FTP notifications. The updates are free for the registered users, so why not buy the Perfect Keylogger for Mac now? You will get a download link immediately after purchase!.

Website : Perfect Keylogger for Mac OS X

Kontak : deni12

Legal Credit Secrets Exposed

Legal Credit Secrets Exposed. Legal Credit Secrets Exposed is yours risk-free for an incredibly low $67.00 USD. That's over 50% off the everyday price, but you must act now! And trust me, any ONE of my Legal Credit Secrets and techniques will pay for itself, or you can return it for a 100% refund.

Website : Legal Credit Secrets Exposed

Kontak : deni12

Private 1 on 1 Legal Credit Training Call 30 Mins

Private 1 on 1 Legal Credit Training Call 30 Mins. If you need immediate help and want to take action now, then I highly recommend taking advantage of this 1-on-1 Private Legal Credit Training Call, so we can go over your credit goals together and help you get started right away!

Website : Private 1 on 1 Legal Credit Training Call 30 Mins

Kontak : deni12

SoftRescue Gamers Edition OEM

SoftRescue Gamers Edition OEM. SoftRescue Gamers Edition OEM Fast and easy PC-2-PC game transfer. Fully automated transfer of your games from your old to your new, or old to old computer in a ready-to-run state. Everything, including registration keys and settings, is compressed into a single file that can be restored by WindowsRescue Gamers Edition on any windows computer running XP or Vista. This software will save you days of frustrating reinstallation work.

Website : SoftRescue Gamers Edition OEM

Kontak : deni12

SoftRescue Home Edition

SoftRescue Home Edition. SoftRescue Home Edition is the most accurate and reliable utility that transfer software, games, files and email between computers. Anovasoft AS has developed this amazing tool to help people setup their new computers. Reinstalling all your programs can take days, even weeks to finalize.

Website : SoftRescue Home Edition

Kontak : deni12

SoftRescue Small Business

SoftRescue Small Business. SoftRescue Small Business Fast and easy PC-2-PC application transfer. Fully automated transfer of your application from your old to your new computer in a ready-to-run state. Everything, including registration keys and settings, is compressed into a single file that can be restored by SoftRescue Small Business on any windows computer running XP or Vista. This software will save you days of frustrating reinstallation work.

Website : SoftRescue Small Business

Kontak : deni12

Transcribe for Windows

Transcribe for Windows. The Transcribe! application is an assistant for people who sometimes want to work out a piece of music from a recording, in order to write it out, or play it themselves, or both. It doesn't do the transcribing for you, but it is essentially a specialised player program which is optimised for the purpose of transcription.

Website : Transcribe for Windows

Kontak : deni12

Transcribe for Mac

Transcribe for Mac. The Transcribe! application is an assistant for people who sometimes want to work out a piece of music from a recording, in order to write it out, or play it themselves, or both. It doesn't do the transcribing for you, but it is essentially a specialised player program which is optimised for the purpose of transcription. It has many transcription-specific features not found on conventional music players.

Website : Transcribe for Mac

Kontak : deni12

Transcribe for Linux

Transcribe for Linux. Transcribe for Linux Software to help transcribing recorded music. It is also used by many people for play-along practice. It can change pitch and speed instantly, and you can store and recall any number of named loops.

Website : Transcribe for Linux

Kontak : deni12

East Tec DisposeSecure Technicians License

East Tec DisposeSecure Technicians License. Don't give away sensitive information, valuable corporate trade secrets, business plans, personal files, or traces of Internet or newsgroup activity with the old computers that you or your company resells, donates or removes from operation. Deleting all the files or even formatting the hard disk is not enough to stop people to restore information using basic recovery programs.

Website : East Tec DisposeSecure Technicians License

Kontak : deni12

East Tec DisposeSecure Sanitizations License

East Tec DisposeSecure Sanitizations License. East-Tec DisposeSecure Sanitizations License however removes all traces of data from the computer hard disk, by overwriting and destroying beyond recovery every sector and bit of information. Data is removed according to U.S. Department of Defense standards or custom user security levels.

Website : East Tec DisposeSecure Sanitizations License

Kontak : deni12

East Tec Eraser 2010

East Tec Eraser 2010. East Tec Eraser 2010 Keep what you do on your computer to yourself! Protect your privacy, remove all evidence of your PC and Internet activity and improve system performance. Protect your data and privacy and remove all evidence of your computer and online activity with East Tec Eraser 2010.

Website : East Tec Eraser 2010

Kontak : deni12

Fanurio Single User License

Fanurio Single User License. Fanurio is a time tracking and billing software application, highly appreciated by freelancers for its intuitive interface, flexible timer and ability to produce detailed invoices. Whether you need to round time, use multiple currencies or create invoices with your own layout, Fanurio has the right tools to help you get paid.

Website : Fanurio Single User License

Kontak : deni12

FireShot Pro for Firefox

FireShot Pro for Firefox. FireShot Pro for Firefox is an extension for Firefox 2, and Firefox 3 for quickly creating, annotating, editing and sharing screenshots of web pages. If you spend a huge amount of time for these operations, this program will be a big timesaver for you.

Website : FireShot Pro for Firefox

Kontak : deni12

FireShot Pro for internet explorer firefox Lifetime Support FREE Upgrades Warranty

FireShot Pro for internet explorer firefox Lifetime Support FREE Upgrades Warranty. Most of our customers purchase this certificate for having Lifetime FREE upgrades and Premium Support. FireShot is being constantly developed. This certificate provides you with the warranty that all further upgrades will be delivered to you for FREE.

Website : FireShot Pro for internet explorer firefox Lifetime Support FREE Upgrades Warranty

Kontak : deni12

FireShot Pro for Internet Explorer

FireShot Pro for Internet Explorer. FireShot Pro for Internet Explorer is an extension for Internet Explorer for quickly creating, annotating and editing screenshots of web pages. Unlike other extensions, this plugin provides a set of editing and annotation tools, which let users quickly modify captures and insert text and graphical annotations.

Website : FireShot Pro for Internet Explorer

Kontak : deni12

Screenshot Studio

Screenshot Studio. Powerful tool for quick screen capturing, annotation and sharing. Take screenshots (whole window, part of the screen or on-top window) in one keypress and use different graphical tools to highlight important or erase private fragments of screen. Crop bitmap and annotate only desired area or windows. Intstantly upload screenshots onto specially developed public web-server and share them with your team. Additional information is stored inside PNG format that lets you re-open screenshots

Website : Screenshot Studio

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Internet Cafe Software

Antamedia Internet Cafe Software. Internet Caffe Software - Easy, powerful, reliable, user-friendly cybercafe management software. Platforms: Windows 2000 , Windows Server 2003 , Windows XP

Website : Antamedia Internet Cafe Software

Kontak : deni12

Internet Caffe Software Server Clients

Internet Caffe Software Server Clients. Internet Caffe Software has features necessary for cafe owners - it provides full billing and income control, locks unused computers, generates detailed reports and statistics, and supports different password-protected employee accounts. Software supports prepaid and postpaid mode, timecodes and personalized member accounts. Affordable price, beautiful interface, user friendly, feature rich, appropriate for Internet and gaming Cafés, libraries, schools, hotels, or anywhere else computers are rented.

Website : Internet Caffe Software Server Clients

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia HotSpot Software

Antamedia HotSpot Software. Antamedia HotSpot Software Windows-based software for WiFi Hotspot billing. Control time and bandwidth usage of wired and wireless laptops without any client software.

Website : Antamedia HotSpot Software

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia HotSpot Standard, Lite, Premium Edition

Antamedia HotSpot Standard, Lite, Premium Edition. Windows-based software for WiFi Hotspot billing. Control time and bandwidth usage of wired and wireless laptops without any client software. Customers are redirected to login page before they get access to Internet. Software enables control and billing using captive portal technology and it's suitable for ISPs, Hotspots, Airports, Hotels, Internet and Cyber cafes.

Website : Antamedia HotSpot Standard, Lite, Premium Edition

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Medical Software

Antamedia Medical Software. Antamedia Medical Billing software is the complete solution for efficient, reliable and modern managing of your clinic, hospital or medical practice. It's all-in-one software with appointment scheduling, electronic patient records, managed care control, billing and profit control, management expenses, detailed reports, statistical information, database of provided examinations and services.

Website : Antamedia Medical Software

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Medical Software 10 Computers

Antamedia Medical Software 10 Computers. Antamedia Medical software is suitable for all types and sizes of medical care institutions allowing easy operation in one or more offices located in different city areas. Support for multiple security levels provides ability to organize access rights and available data for doctors, technicians and stuff.

Website : Antamedia Medical Software 10 Computers

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Software

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Software. Antamedia Bandwidth Manager helps you control download and upload rate for every computer in your network. Computers can be limited with specified time and quota per session, day time when access is allowed and set to logout after inactivity.

Website : Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Software

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Standard 20 Connections

Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Standard 20 Connections. Bandwidth Manager - Easy, powerful, reliable, user-friendly cybercafe management software Our bandwidth shaper is very suitable for Internet and game cafes as it tightly integrates with Internet Caffe software enabling automatic blocking of traffic when user logout.

Website : Antamedia Bandwidth Manager Standard 20 Connections

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Print Manager Software

Antamedia Print Manager Software. Antamedia Print Manager software is a centralized solution which helps you to monitor, control, restrict and audit user printing. It includes statistics, reporting, billing module, and is suitable for both small and large businesses, Internet Cafes, Libraries, Schools, Universities, Law Firms, Governments.

Website : Antamedia Print Manager Software

Kontak : deni12

Antamedia Print Manager Lite Edition

Antamedia Print Manager Lite Edition. Antamedia Print Manager Lite Edition helps you to easily check print job history for any selected time period. Details include document and printer name, username, number of pages, page size, color, price, workstation and date and time for each printed or deleted job. Charge for print jobs per page, or configure separate prices for color and black & white printing.

Website : Antamedia Print Manager Lite Edition

Kontak : deni12

DVDRemaster Pro

DVDRemaster Pro. DVDRemaster Pro is an application which recompresses large DVDs so they can be burned on a standard DVD or converts them so they can be watched on your video iPod, iPod touch, iPhone, Apple TV and many others. DVDRemaster accommodates both novices and experts with its simple but yet powerful interface. The Pro edition is designed to provide enhanced control over the DVD copies.

Website : DVDRemaster Pro

Kontak : deni12


DVDRemaster. DVDRemaster accommodates both novices and experts with its simple but yet powerful interface. DVDRemaster is an application which recompresses large DVDs so they can be burned on a standard DVD or converts them so they can be watched on your video iPod, iPod touch, iPhone, Apple TV and many others.

Website : DVDRemaster

Kontak : deni12


Decompose. Decompose is an application allowing an easy and flawless extraction of elements from pictures in order to use them to make composite images. It is the perfect tool for making images for web pages, newspapers and magazines or simply for your own creations.

Website : Decompose

Kontak : deni12

Bells & Whistles for Outlook

Bells & Whistles for Outlook. The Bells & Whistles add-in for Outlook saves your time and removes the daily frustrations of using Outlook! Bells & Whistles for Outlook helps users to quickly reply to emails by automatically inserting personalized email reply greetings, email templates, signatures or even side email notes.

Website : Bells & Whistles for Outlook

Kontak : deni12

Auto Reply Manager for Outlook

Auto Reply Manager for Outlook Automatically Send Auto Reply Emails from Outlook! Auto Reply Manager allows you to easily define and send auto email replies right from your desktop, notifying your contacts that you are away, confirming incoming email messages or simply sending custom email templates.

Website : Auto Reply Manager for Outlook

Kontak : deni12

Easy Mail Merge for Outlook

Easy Mail Merge for Outlook. Easy Mail Merge® for Outlook Quickly Delivers Personalized Email Messages to Your Contacts. Using the mail merge concept, Easy Mail Merge for Outlook gives you the power to fully personalize email messages and quickly deliver individual emails to your contacts list,

Website : Easy Mail Merge for Outlook

Kontak : deni12

Printer's Apprentice

Printer's Apprentice. Printers Apprentice 8.1 is a fantastic font manager for Windows 7, Vista & XP. Whether you are a graphic artist, a publishing professional or a software enthusiast, if you have a lot of fonts, Printer's Apprentice will help you organize your collection. Professional software for managing font files on Windows 7, Vista & XP systems.

Website : Printer's Apprentice

Kontak : deni12

Mac BlurayRipper Pro

Mac BlurayRipper Pro. Mac BlurayRipper Pro Enjoy the latest in video and media entertainment with the help of Mac Bluray Ripper Pro. It is now easier and faster than ever to extract Blurays to your hard drive. For DVDs checkout Mac DVDRipper Pro.

Website : Mac BlurayRipper Pro

Kontak : deni12


PowerShrink. PowerShrink Compresses your Office files up to 98%. PowerShrink Compress your Office files in 2 single steps. No more hassle sending those big documents to your customers. No need for receiver to run additional software to view the compressed files. Now full support for Open Office.

Website : PowerShrink

Kontak : deni12

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Website : key smadav pro, key smadav pro 8 3, key smadav pro terbaru, smadav pro 8 3, smadav pro terbaru, key smadav gratis, key smadav pro warnet, key smadav pro perusahaan

Kontak : hafizh29


Modal 300 ribu rp.Profit PASTI minimal 20% per bulan,bonus titik @ 5 ribu,3x10 level,reward, dll.Cashback 50 rb rp (100% bns sponsor-lebih suka BCA,hanya s/d 25 Oktober 2010)

Website :


Peluang usaha bisnis online

Pasang ikan gratis massal Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan Gratis, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke Iklan Gratis Massal

Website :

Kontak : yunus


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Kontak : Nia

Peluang usaha bisnis online

Pasang ikan gratis massal Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan Gratis, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke Iklan Gratis Massal

Website : bisnis online

Kontak : yunus

Selasa, 19 Oktober 2010

JUAL SPREI,BEDCOVER,SELIMUT - GROSIR & ECERAN TANAH ABANG adalah Toko Online dan Offline Menjual Grosir dan Eceran bermacam macam Produk Dan Merek Sprei, Bedcover, Selimut, balmut, bantal cinta

Website : sprei,bedcover,selimut,grosir,eceran,jual,belanja,tanah abang,toko,produk,grosir sprei,grosir bedcover,jual sprei,jual bedcover,grosir selimut,jual selimut,grosir tanah abang,tanahabang

Kontak : Nia

Revolusi Pengiriman Iklan Baris

Hanya 1 detik Iklan Anda terkirim ke Ratusan Web Iklan Baris. Jika Anda selama ini secara manual mengirimkan iklan secara manual, satu persatu ke Web Iklan baris, atau berlangganan Software Submit Iklan yang cukup menyita budget Anda, ini saatnya Anda beralih ke IklanGratisMassal

Website : bisnis, internet, iklan, gratis, massal

Kontak : suryono


TEMUKAN Bagaimana Saya Menghasilkan Uang Dari Internet Menggunakan Komputer Sambil Bercelana Pendek Dirumah, Dan Bagaimana Anda Bisa melakukannya JUGA. Dapatkan Berbagai Panduan, Alat dan Informasi untuk memulai menghasilkan uang dari Internet, SEKARANG

Website : bisnis, internet, paling, direkomendasikan, formula, langkah, memulai, dan, membangun, melalui, joko susilo

Kontak : suryono

Pasang Indovision Hub: (021) 5420 0607

Indovision - Bukan Yang Lain Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! " PAKET INDOVISION " *. Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *. Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *. Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : Indovision

Kontak : Indovision

YesTV Hub: (021) 5420 0607

YesTV - Hiburan Tanpa Batas Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! Paket berlangganan bervariatif dengan 5 paket dasar : 1. Paket Perunggu Rp. 125.000 / bulan* 2. Paket Perak Rp. 199.000 / bulan* 3. Paket Emas Rp. 275.000 / bulan* 4. Paket Sports Rp. 90.000 / bulan* 5. Paket Entertainment Rp. 90.000 / bulan* *. harga belum termasuk PPN 10% Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : YesTV

Kontak : YesTV

Senin, 18 Oktober 2010


PowerShrink. PowerShrink Compresses your Office files up to 98%. PowerShrink Compress your Office files in 2 single steps. No more hassle sending those big documents to your customers. No need for receiver to run additional software to view the compressed files. Now full support for Open Office.

Website : PowerShrink

Kontak : deni12


PicShrink. Compress and edit your digital photos for web design, e-Mails and presentations easily. PicShrink is Image Compression software to optimize, edit and convert JPEG, GIF and PNG picture formats. PicShrink Image Compressor can batch resize many digital photos at once including features like adding watermark, adjust lightning or transform image.

Website : PicShrink

Kontak : deni12

PowerShrink & PicShrink Bundle

PowerShrink & PicShrink Bundle. Get 2 in 1 and save 35%: The PowerShrink & PicShrink Bundle. PicShrink Image Compression is perfect for handling digital images PowerShrink does the same for Microsoft Office documents (PowerPoint, Word und Excel) and compresses your files effectively without changing format, functionality or layout. Makes it a breeze to send your office file by mail or publish them in the web and saves tons of time and disk space.

Website : PowerShrink & PicShrink Bundle

Kontak : deni12

ClipConverter Mobile

ClipConverter Mobile. ClipConverter Mobile download and convert web videos from the biggest movie sharing sites like youtube or simply convert and edit locally saved movies.

Website : ClipConverter Mobile

Kontak : deni12


MakeMKV. MakeMKV is your one-click solution to convert video that you own into free and patents-unencumbered format that can be played everywhere. Additionally MakeMKV can instantly stream decrypted video without intermediate conversion to wide range of players, so you may watch Blu-ray and DVD discs with your favorite player on your favorite OS or on your favorite device. MakeMKV is one of the few programs that can read Blu-ray discs protected with latest versions of AACS and BD+ .

Website : MakeMKV

Kontak : deni12

WinX DVD Ripper Platinum

WinX DVD Ripper Platinum. 1:1 DVD copy to hard drive in 5 minutes and rip any DVDs to iPad, iPod, iPhone, AVI, MP4, MOV, etc. Platforms: Windows 2000 , Windows 7 , Windows 9x , Windows NT , Windows Server 2003 , Windows Vista , Windows XP

Website : WinX DVD Ripper Platinum

Kontak : deni12

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe + WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Bundle

WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe + WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Bundle. This pack includes HD Video Converter Deluxe and DVD Ripper Platinum. Rip and backup DVD, burn and create DVD, convert HD video, download and convert video from website.

Website : WinX HD Video Converter Deluxe + WinX DVD Ripper Platinum Bundle

Kontak : deni12

iVerio Win XP & Vista

iVerio Win XP & Vista. iVerio, tranfert and convert video files automatically from HD camcorders iVerio, Tranfert, Convert, Rename, Date, Create DVD image with menu or without menu with iDVD. Convert .MOD .TOD files from HD camcorder. Convert .MOD .TOD files from JVC camcorder. Convert .MOD .TOD files from Sony camcorder. Convert .MOD .TOD .M2T files from Canon camcorder. Convert .MOD .TOD files from Panasonic camcorder. JVC Everio conversion utility.

Website : iVerio Win XP & Vista

Kontak : deni12

iVerio Mac OS X

iVerio Mac OS X. iVerio Mac OS X JVC Everio conversion utility. iVerio, Tranfert, Convert, Rename, Date, Create DVD image with menu or without menu with iDVD. Platforms: MacOS

Website : iVerio Mac OS X

Kontak : deni12

iVerio Leopard

iVerio Leopard. iVerio Leopard Version 3.2 for Leopard and Snow Leopard is a video editor and converter for camcorder JVC, Sony, Panasonic and Canon. If you have a camorder AVCHD, with hard drive or with memory card, iverio can help you to transfer videos from your camcorder to your MAC. Finally you will find a way to watch your videos from your camcorder on your Mac. You will be able to use them for video editing in iMovie or Final Cut. Simple, Fast and Accurate, iVerio will let you make your movies with any video you want in few clicks.

Website : iVerio Leopard

Kontak : deni12

Aunsoft SWF Converter

Aunsoft SWF Converter. Aunsoft SWF Converter is versatile program, and it can convert SWF to AVI, AVI with Alpha, AVI Divx, MPEG, WMV, MPEG, 3GP, MOV, VOB and almost all most popular videos. It realizes converting SWF with ActionScript or interactive SWF flash. Besides, it enables users to convert SWF to 1080P, 720P, and 480P HD videos for PS3, Apple TV and Xbox or other HD TV.

Website : Aunsoft SWF Converter

Kontak : deni12

Aunsoft SWF to Go

Aunsoft SWF to Go. Aunsoft SWF to go is useful program and can convert SWF to video that can be displayed on different devices. It can convert SWF to Apple devices, including iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Sony Devices, including PS3, PSP, Microsoft Device, Zune, and Xbox 360, Windows Mobile, HP iPAQ, Dell Axim and other videos.

Website : Aunsoft SWF to Go

Kontak : deni12

Aunsoft SWF to Audio Converter

Aunsoft SWF to Audio Converter. Aunsoft SWF to Audio Converter can convert SWF to AC3, MP3, MP2, and WAV, FLAC, APE and M4A audio file. It can extract sound data from the SWF flash and convert the audio data only to your desired MP3, AC3, WAV, FLAC, APE, M4A and other popular audio files.

Website : Aunsoft SWF to Audio Converter

Kontak : deni12

Aunsoft FLV Converter

Aunsoft FLV Converter. Aunsoft FLV Converter can convert FLV to iPod, iPhone, PSP, PS3, Zune, xBox360, Blackberry mobile etc. Convert FLV to videos of popular formats, including AVI, MPEG, MOV, WMV, and MP4, 3GP, 3GP2 etc. No audio distortion, no quality degradation and frames skipping. Allows users do convert several FLV videos to one.

Website : Aunsoft FLV Converter

Kontak : deni12

Aunsoft FLV to Audio Converter

Aunsoft FLV to Audio Converter. Aunsoft FLV to Audio Converter can convert FLV to AC3, MP3, MP2, and WAV, FLAC, APE and M4A audio file. It can extract audio data from flash video and convert them to your desired audio of high quality. This program supports batch conversion and can combine several output audios to one.

Website : Aunsoft FLV to Audio Converter

Kontak : deni12

DiskAnalyzer Pro

DiskAnalyzer Pro. DiskAnalyzer Pro helps you to locate and remove space wasting files on your hard disk drive. You can see exact disk space utilization with detailed disk space reports. You can see reports grouped by file types, attributes, file size, ownership, date and time.

Website : DiskAnalyzer Pro

Kontak : deni12


ExtraRenamer. ExtraRenamer helps you to rename your video files, MP3 files, MP3 tags, pictures and all other types of files. The intuitive user interface with a drag and drop facility makes it easy to quickly select multiple files from different folders and rename with a click of button.

Website : ExtraRenamer

Kontak : deni12

Crave World Clock

Crave World Clock. Crave World Clock is a good choice for people having customers from around the world. You can view current time and date for all cities and countries on your desktop using a real world map and a time finder tool.

Website : Crave World Clock

Kontak : deni12

Key Smadav Pro terbaru 8.3

dapatkan key smadav pro di

Website : key smadav 8.3, key smadav pro, key smadav terbaru, smadav 8.3, smadav 8.3 pro, smadav pro, smadav pro 8.3, smadav terbaru

Kontak : hafizh29

Picture Collage Maker

Picture Collage Maker. Looking for an all-in-one photo collage software that's fast and easy? Look no further. Picture Collage Maker is a powerful, versatile way to build any photo collage and scrapbook project - whether you're just starting out or have been collaging for years. You can also create your calendar, greeting card, invitation card, poster and more you can think of!

Website : Picture Collage Maker

Kontak : deni12

Key Smadav Pro terbaru 8.3

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Kontak : hafizh29

Greeting Card Builder

Greeting Card Builder. Greeting Card Builder is a useful program which was specifically designed to create stunning photo greeting card for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, New Year, Valentine's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, or any occasion.

Website : Greeting Card Builder

Kontak : deni12

Greeting Card Builder Commercial

Greeting Card Builder Commercial. Greeting Card Builder Commercial It helps you easily create cool greeting cards with your own photos, clip art, frames, masks, and backgrounds, and email or print them right away on your printer. Greeting Card Builder Commercial is absolute ease of use.

Website : Greeting Card Builder Commercial

Kontak : deni12

Picture Collage Maker Commercial

Picture Collage Maker Commercial. Picture Collage Maker can improve your efficiency, save you money and help you transform your priceless pictures into precious memories. Whether you see collaging as a relaxing pastime or a way of life,

Website : Picture Collage Maker Commercial

Kontak : deni12

Picture Collage Maker Pro

Picture Collage Maker Pro. Picture Collage Maker Pro a simple-to-use Windows program that turns ordinary photos and pictures into stunning keepsakes to share with family and friends. With just a few clicks, you can create collages, scrapbooks, posters, invitations, calendars, and greeting cards. Unlike photography software that takes days to master, Picture Collage Maker Pro lets both seasoned collagers and new hobbyists become productive in minutes.

Website : Picture Collage Maker Pro

Kontak : deni12

Picture Collage Maker Pro Commercial

Picture Collage Maker Pro Commercial. Picture Collage Maker Pro Commercial comes with a library of professionally-drawn templates that offer you a wide variety of photo layouts and backgrounds for your collage. It lets you transform your special pictures into precious memories.

Website : Picture Collage Maker Pro Commercial

Kontak : deni12

True Launch Bar Personal License

True Launch Bar Personal License. True Launch Bar Personal License Combine your shortcuts in groups saving working space on your desktop. True Launch Bar is a superior replacement for the standard Quick Launch bar. All functions presented in Quick Launch are also in True Launch Bar.

Website : True Launch Bar Personal License

Kontak : deni12

Pasang Indovision Hub: (021) 5420 0607

Indovision - Bukan Yang Lain Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! " PAKET INDOVISION " *. Paket Super Galaxy Rp. 249.000 / bulan *. Paket Galaxy Rp. 179.000 / bulan *. Paket Venus Rp. 149.000 / bulan Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Pasang Indovision di kami LANGSUNG BISA DI TONTON ! Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK & Seluruh Indonesia

Website : Indovision

Kontak : Indovision

Tordex Wheel

Tordex Wheel. Tordex Wheel adds intelligence to the mouse wheel. By default, when you roll the mouse wheel, Windows roll the currently active window and ignore the mouse cursor position. With Tordex Wheel, Windows rolls the window under the mouse cursor, so you can scroll windows, lists, without having to activate them.

Website : Tordex Wheel

Kontak : deni12

YesTV Hub: (021) 5420 0607

YesTV - Hiburan Tanpa Batas Peralatan dipinjamkan Gratis ! Paket berlangganan bervariatif dengan 5 paket dasar : 1. Paket Perunggu Rp. 125.000 / bulan* 2. Paket Perak Rp. 199.000 / bulan* 3. Paket Emas Rp. 275.000 / bulan* 4. Paket Sports Rp. 90.000 / bulan* 5. Paket Entertainment Rp. 90.000 / bulan* *. harga belum termasuk PPN 10% Untuk Promo Terbaru Hubungi Kami. Untuk berlangganan hub : (021) 5420 0607 (021) 7066 8688 Untuk Keterangan lebih Jelas & Lengkap klik > Wilayah pemasangan : JaBoDeTabeK

Website : YesTV

Kontak : YesTV

WinPopup Gold

WinPopup Gold. WinPopup Gold, send and receive instant messages on your local network, chat, and much more. WinPopup Gold is a useful tool to send, receive messages and chat through your local network (Secure, it works only on your local network (no Internet use).

Website : WinPopup Gold

Kontak : deni12

Step To Call Center Full Package

Step To Call Center Full Package. Step To Call Center Full Package. Many organizations and companies are investing in contact centers and call centers, which are defined as places where consumers are served through the reception of a large volume of inquiries, or through the calling out or transmission of sales, depending on the function of the contact center in question.

Website : Step To Call Center Full Package

Kontak : deni12

CertiVox Content App Creator

CertiVox Content App Creator. CertiVox Content App Creator. Create Secure Content Apps for your documents and media! CertiVox is a unique software plus service that enables business professionals and digital publishers to create CertiVox Secure Content Apps for their important documents and media

Website : CertiVox Content App Creator

Kontak : deni12

Aurora for Windows Mac

Aurora for Windows Mac. Aurora for Windows Mac. Aurora is the powerfully simple visual photo editing, organizing, sharing and storing software that brings out the best in your photos. Platforms: Windows 7 , Windows Vista , Windows XP

Website : Aurora for Windows Mac

Kontak : deni12

LightZone Mac Linux Windows

LightZone Mac Linux Windows. LightZone Mac Linux Windows. LightZone for OS X Tiger, Leopard and Snow Leopard (OS X 10.4, 10.5 & 10.6) LightZone is ideal for creative users looking for a best-of-breed photo editor that is easy to understand. Creative users with all levels of experience benefit from LightZone by dramatically improving their photographs quickly and easily. LightZone was created by photographers and makes it easy to bring out the true tone, color and contrast frequently hidden in digital images, with a 1-click Style or just with moving a single slider.

Website : LightZone Mac Linux Windows

Kontak : deni12

Cool Record Edit Pro

Cool Record Edit Pro. Cool Record Edit TOP-QUALITY Audio Recording and editing software. Cool Record Edit helps you transfer tapes, LPs, live performances, Internet radio, TV, DVD, or any other sound source to your hard drive. The software helps protect your valuable recordings--just set the sound source, the recording quality, and volume, then start recording.

Website : Cool Record Edit Pro

Kontak : deni12

Cool Burning Studio

Cool Burning Studio. Cool Burning Studio Burner software too complicated. Get power, simplicity and file backup too! Platforms: Windows 2000 , Windows NT , Windows Server 2003 , Windows Vista , Windows XP

Website : Cool Burning Studio

Kontak : deni12


DbSchema. DbSchema Database design, SQL, and data browse tool. DbSchema is an efficient and productive database work environment, built for an easy access to the data and an intuitive understanding of the databases. It is operating-system and database independent, with integrated data browse, SQL editor, database-synchronization, round-trip-engineering and team-work features.

Website : DbSchema

Kontak : deni12

EZGenerator Websitebuilder

EZGenerator Websitebuilder. EZGenerator Web Site Builder: Create professional looking websites with fun & ease! Allows you to make your own website & website structure based on over 3000 graphical templates (fully customizable), featuring all kinds of Web 2.0 features. EZGenerator Websitebuilder gives you a head start when you want to create and maintain your own professional quality website. Based on an impressive collection of over 3000 web template variations (each fully customizable) and an intuitive Wizard interface, you will be creating professional looking website in no time, ready to upload with the built-in FTP tool to the web host of your choice.

Website : EZGenerator Websitebuilder

Kontak : deni12

Auslogics Emergency Recovery

Auslogics Emergency Recovery. Auslogics Emergency Recovery an effective and simple to use program that will recover accidentally deleted files, or those files deleted by virus attacks and software faults. Use it to restore a file back into the same directory it was deleted from or onto any accessible disk on your computer.

Website : Auslogics Emergency Recovery

Kontak : deni12

Auslogics BoostSpeed

Auslogics BoostSpeed. Auslogics BoostSpeed - the ideal solution to speed up your computer and Internet connection. Auslogics BoostSpeed, This powerful Windows optimizer will boost Internet connections, tweak Windows to its peak performance, clean and defrag disks and the registry. It's a great way to speed up your PC and keep it clean and optimized

Website : Auslogics BoostSpeed

Kontak : deni12

Auslogics Antivirus

Auslogics Antivirus. Auslogics Antivirus Auslogics' award-winning protection against viruses, spyware, trojans and identity threft without slowing down your computer. This is one of the most comprehensive antiviruses and will provide you with the all-round protection of your files, e-mail and Internet traffic.

Website : Auslogics Antivirus

Kontak : deni12